Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pretty As You Please

A friend asked me to make this quilt for her last November. I said I would but wouldn't make any guarantees as to when it would get done! Good thing I did that! Life got crazy and fabric short!! I finally finished and it's on its' way to her house. I hope it keeps her warm many nights! The pattern is Pretty As You Please by Daisy and Dell and the panto is Sweet Hearts by

Monday, February 8, 2010

New Year's Mystery Quilt 2010

I love being able to learn more about longarm quilting from Cindy Roth! This was her latest class...Not Quite Traditional Quilt, the 2010 New Year's Mystery Quilt. It challenged me way beyond what I would have even attempted on my own!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ruth's Quilt

My mother-in-law has been asking me to make her a quilt for awhile now. This fall she said that she would really like me to make that quilt for her before she dies...she's in her early 80's. So I guess that was a pretty strong hint that I need to get it done! I asked my husband's siblings if they were interested in a Christmas present and if they paid for the supplies I would do the work, so the pressure was on! She wanted something with stars and gave me a napkin and piece of fabric with colors she liked...and some yarn a very specific blue she wanted and I began the hunt. The quilt is from the Gathering Friend's book Quilter's Piece and is the one on the cover. I added an additional strip to the border to make it a bit bigger. I quilted it using the pantograph Antique Lace from urban elementz. It was quite the learning experience making such a big project! I think she was happy with the results!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Miles' Yellow Brick Road

There is nothing like the feeling of a completed UFO!! I started this project for Miles' bed several years ago. The pattern is Yellow Brick Road and the fabrics were Civil War Reproduction prints. I reached the quilting stage and decided I hated quilting at my sit down machine, thus the purchase of my frame. It has sat in the corner of my sewing area and I just didn't know what to do with it as it was all basted and half-way quilted. I finally bit the bullet and decided to just get it over with!! As unhappy as I am with the quilting, I do have to admit when looking at it from afar it isn't quite so horrible!! I used Hobbs Tuscany Wool batting and love the feel of it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Caught Up!

I have finally caught up on baby gifts! This is another minkee dot quilt for a great-niece.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Wallet and Grommet

I decided to give the Wallet and Grommet bag a try. It was really a fun bag to make and pretty easy too! My only wish, now that I'm done is that I would have put the plaid on the top!! I'm just not very good at fabric placement. I'm getting a little better at putting fabrics together...I can do up to 4 now!!! I am trying to decide if I want to consign some but they ended up costing quite a bit to make and I think I would have a hard time recouping the cost of supplies...and for a several hour project I would probably end up getting nothing for my time!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Runners Galore!

I've been busy sewing runners to consign. With the exception of the Boo one, these are all new patterns I am trying. I like some better than others, but try to remember that different people have different tastes! Hopefully they will all find good homes!!